Easiest Way to Make Perfect Can Chickens Have Peanut Butter
Can Chickens Have Peanut Butter. Just put it in a suet feeder like you use for birds. I make my own with peanut butter, raisins, bird seed, wheat, chicken scratch. whatever I have on hand & place foil in the feeder, put mixture in there & pop in the freezer or frig till set.
Do your chickens and yourself a favour - keep the chocolate for yourself. Consider a peanut butter and jelly sandwich made with oat bread. You can also use tallow, lard or meat drippings.
Chickens can't legally be given artificial.
Feed your flock a good quality chicken feed, allow them to range on pasture if you can - and let them have some healthy treats instead.
This is probably one of the most unhealthy forms of peanut butter to give your chickens, but it's not bad in limited quantities. That's why I was wondering about puting peanut butter on heathly snacks for the mama so she would eat them. These treats last about a day and a half.