Sauce Toum. The sauce typically served with pita bread at Lebanese restaurants, this Lebanese Garlic Sauce is thick, creamy, and packed with flavor. The word toum is how the Arabic word for garlic (ثوم) "thoum" is pronounced in the dialect of the people from the Levant region.
Lebanese garlic Sauce "toum" - Mediterranean Eatz (Keith Harper) Dan Toum yg khas Timur Tengah ini. It is usually combined with chicken in traditional dishes such as roast chicken. Toum (Toom) aka Lebanese Garlic sauce is loved by so many.
I have unlocked the Now, you may have heard me make this claim before: the best toum (Lebanese garlic sauce) ever.
Lebanese Kitchen's "Toum" Garlic Sauce is the New American Condiment!
Toum Garlic Spread - Kevin Is Cooking
Lebanese garlic sauce recipe toum the ultimate guide
Yumbo McGillicutty!: Turning and Two-minute Toum
Fast and Easy Toum - The Best Lebanese Garlic Sauce Recipe | The Food Blog
Lebanese Garlic Sauce is a fluffy garlic sauce that is also know as toum. Calling all my fellow garlic loving people! Our Egyptian siblings call it "Tooma"… This toum recipe is fluffy!